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Husky Bus Free 2.6
Screen Shots:
Helping Huskies get where they need to go.
ad-free version available for $2.99 on the App Store.
Based on the UConn campus map, drag and zoom your way around custom bus maps to help you figure out how to get across campus. With each stop giving you the estimated arrival time based on the new GPS system and a map showing the closest bus to you, you'll never have to wait in the cold again.
*bus tracking on the map!
*Favorites - favorite your most frequently used stops for easy access.
*2 finger pinch zooming
*double tap with 1 finger to zoom
*automatically loads the correct bus map and bus stops (Normal schedule, weekend, late night and break schedules)
*Bus schedules in menu
*WRTD schedules in menu
*off campus stops
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