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Hydrate Yourself 2.5
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According to and the US National Library of Medicine, symptoms of dehydration include: Dizziness, Lethargy, Lightheadedness, Headaches, Fainting, Weakness and (naturally) a Dry mouth. Other symptoms even include heart palpitations (that feeling of your heart jumping or pounding).
So why is it that water intake is such a secondary concertn to so many adults? All it takes is a little attention throughout the day, such as keeping track of how much water you are drinking. I strongly believe that drinking enough water is one of the easiest ways to improve your health.
Benefits of this app include:
• Built in calculators to recommend how much water you should be drinking!
• Timed notifications to remind you to keep hydrating!
• configurable main page to instantly log hydration from one of your favorite containers!
• Quick Config page for each portion to log partial servings, missed entries, change default portion size and more!
• Historic and daily graph to show your progress and consistency!