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Hype Machine 2.4.2
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Discover the most talked-about music from blogs around the world. This is the Hype Machine in your pocket.
Every day, thousands of people around the world write about music they love — and it all ends up on Hype Machine. We watch for new posts on over 800 of the most interesting blogs and make it easy to follow this chaotic world.
You can listen to the newest tracks posted just minutes ago, the most popular tracks of the day, and check out what your friends have discovered on the service. Each week, we also hand-pick an album that you can stream in its entirety before you can buy it. All this, without ads or monthly fees.
See what people are saying about the app:
Hype Machine lets you navigate the vibrant world of blogs in a few ways:
• LATEST: Music being discussed right now, constantly updated
• POPULAR: Tracks that are getting the most love on the Hype Machine
• FAVORITES: Your favorite tracks on the Hype Machine. A simple offline view lets you see your recently played favorites when you are in air or underground.
• FEED: Customized new posts from your favorite blogs, and friends
• FRIENDS: Music your friends are loving right now
• GENRES: Newest tracks posted on blogs organized by genre
• BLOG DIRECTORY: Every blog we track at
• ALBUM PREMIERE: Preview a new album, in full, every week
Oh yeah, and the app scrobbles to Just enable it in your Hype Machine settings at
We’ve been introducing people to breaking new artists and influential music blogs since 2005 (before there were iPhones :Þ), and have been featured in Wired, The Guardian, Washington Post, Billboard, Popular Science, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Business 2.0, G4TV, and more.
"No other app I’ve tested recently introduced me to as much new music that I’ve liked yet never heard before as Hype Radio — and I’ve been looking."
-Eliot Van Buskirk (Wired,
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