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I Chi Power Free 1.0 1.1
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A visionary company, Quantum Visuals Unlimited Inc. introduces a revolutionary product, the i-Chi Power App.
Based on Eastern philosophies, this interactive App treats your mind, to a wonderful journey of deep relaxation. Some people noticed a dramatic calming of their nerves immediately. Others felt stronger from the inside out. You the user, will be able to experience and demonstrate what we call "i-Chi Power." It works like an energy or balance bracelet except it is developed in an App. Share "Your" experience.
Best for athletes/busy workers..... and you. Get it NOW!!!
*Special Features*
*Portrait Mode Only*
Full Touch Screen Interactivity
*Ads In Free version*
As the Mandala spins, you can touch it, watch it change directions, touch the inside, the edges and outside of the mandalas.
*Strength Testing*
Put your arms up in front of you. Let a friend push or pull you off balance.
Watch the mandala, and spin it for a few seconds, take a deep breath.
Then let your friend, try to push or pull you off balance again.
See our You Tube demo "I Chi power app demo#1"
**The Power of Water**
If you have heard of Prof Emoto, of Japan no doubt you have marveled at the effect of positive words on water.
Use the mandala of your choice on your favorite drink or glass of water.
Simply Turn on the mandala and touch it to your cup or beverage