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I Sail 1.2
Screen Shots:
Recording Regatta Sailing tracks to analyze afterwards.
“I-Sail gives experienced and ambitious competition sailors (from small open boats to sea worthy yachts) the edge to win their race. Get beyond general wind predictions and take advantage of local and actual wind characteristics. Passion for sailing races, expert meteorological knowledge and clever engineering made this a must tool for sailors in a winning mood."
I-Sail consists of a iPhone app, a PC application and a member website. Learn more at
Download the application from the app store, register and improve your training and racing directly by comparing results on the website. Re-experience and analyze your tracks to see what really happened. Invite your peers to do the same and have this great learning experience.
See the website to learn more about the behavior of wind.
"Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."