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I Wear 1.2
Screen Shots:
I-Wear, Version 1.3
Which colors fit together? I-Wear will tell you if your clothing combination is good. You love to try out clothes in different fashion styles and color, then try I-Wear now! Choose your avatar, clothes style and try out thousands of different color combinations. Chose the color manually or use your camera to make pictures of the selected clothes at home or in a store for capturing and comparing the colors. Find the best fitting color combinations to make your outfit truly fashionable. You cannot identify the color because you are color blind (5% of the population), use I-Wear to tell you the color of the garment and if your combination fits. Read the color name and even the RGB value. Be on vogue and share your outfit with friends. Be creative, use I-Wear to share your paint job, tell you the RGB values of a stain or dye and see if a different tint would suit you better.
It only takes three easy steps:
1) Select the Avatar Type and Clothes Style you like
2) Select from thousands of colors or take a picture
3) See the color match result!
Please note that using the flash for identifying colors can modify the perceived color a little.
I-Wear is for free! Help us to further improve functions and styles by sending your feedback to! We appreciate every feedback and will try our best to make I-Wear your fashion App No. 1! Our next versions 2.0 will include the export to Facebook, Twitter and Email.
Please note that we used the American spelling of color, British would be colour of course.
Copyright 2013 by GEITOS-German IT Outsourcing Solutions, Matthias Lambertz and Gerd Schwaderer.