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Ians Laces 10 Ways To Lace Shoes Lite 2.0.0
Screen Shots:
★ New iPad HD Version Just Released
★ Retina Support and Virtual Shoe
Do you just use an "ordinary" lacing method? You may be surprised at what's possible!
You have found, without a doubt, the most awesome collection of shoe lacing methods. Cool, trendy methods. Useful, practical methods. Unusual, special purpose methods. "Ian's Laces" includes 10 different lacing methods, many with several variations, for a total of 27 possibilities.
Each method includes one or more clear, color-coded diagrams plus detailed, step-by-step instructions and helpful tips. Everything is included - NO Internet access is required.
Now also includes "virtual shoelaces", which are both fun and practical. Let them dangle, double-tap to hide them away, or drag them around to quickly scroll through methods or to choose from one of five themes.
With "Ian's Laces", your footwear will never be "ordinary" again. And if someone does ask: "How did you do that?", the answer is at your fingertips, not your feet.
For over ten years, Ian Fieggen has been compiling and dispensing shoelace advice, and has been featured worldwide in media as diverse as The Wall Street Journal, Runner's World, Sneaker Freaker and Esquire (to name but a few) as well as on radio and television.