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Icd Finder 1.0.1
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ICD Finder offers the convenience of browsing the entire catalog of ICD9 and ICD10 codes with the ability to convert any code both ways.
On October 13th 2013, The ICD9 code sets used to report medical diagnoses will be replaced by the ICD10 code sets. The ICD10 code sets are not a simple update of the ICD9 code sets but a fundamental change in structure and concepts.
This transition is mandatory and will affect all health care providers, payers, clearinghouses, billing services and patients.
Don’t get caught off guard by this potentially costly transition! ICD Finder is the only app which provides full scale implementation of the conversion mechanism outlined in the General Equivalence Mappings (GEM) provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
This app is perfect for:
•Converting existing patient records
•Validating the conversion of your own medical records.
•Claim adjucation
•Mapping new patient records internally during transition period
•Analyzing coding patterns
•Translating forward for analysis and data modelling purposes
•The entire code sets of ICD 9 and ICD10, browsable by sorted categories or search results.
•Powerful, responsive search engine for fast specific results based on code or keyword.
•Backward and forward mapping for every code, including one-to-many relationships (scenarios and choicelists).
•Updated for 2012 (October 2011 revision).
•Save as favorites or email for future reference.
•No internet connection required.
•Reorientation support.
•Compatible with older devices (down to iPhone 3G)