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Ice Hockey Scoreboard 1.00
Screen Shots:
Publish scores for amateur or professional Ice Hockey games to SMS (Text Message), Twitter, Facebook, or email.
Just touch change and post the latest hockey score. It's that simple.
Great for keeping your buddies up to date with the latest score.
Excellent for parents that have children playing club hockey. It is not always easy for both parents to attend their children's Ice Hockey matches. With Hockey Scoreboard it is easy to keep everyone informed on the progress of the game using SMS, eMail,Twitter and Facebook.
Use the Hockey Scoreboard application to post your children's Ice Hockey scores for your friends and family to see. Scores can be sent as "Text Messages (SMS)", "eMailed", posted to your "Facebook" page or sent as tweets to your "Twitter" account.
* Simple scoreboard user interface - Just touch and change for ease in entering Ice Hockey scores
* Customize team and venue name for informed postings - Touch and change
* Send Ice Hockey scores via eMail to your friends and family - Press eMail button
* Send Ice Hockey scores via Text Message - Press TextMsg button (Require iPhone with iOS 4.0+)
* Post Ice Hockey scores to your Facebook page - Press Facebook button
* Tweet scores to you Twitter account to update your followers - Press Twitter button
* Custom comments can be added to all you posts - Enter text in the Custom Message field
* Customize status heading for Facebook posts - Enter text in the Facebook publish page
* Basic or Basic+ scoreboard - Flip a switch to choose basic or premium scoreboard
Note! Both Text Messages (SMS) and Tweets are limited to 140 characters.
Information on additional iPS Scoreboards - Visit