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Idea Mix Creative Challenges 1.4
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"Download the Idea Mix application for those days when inspiration is in vacation." - igersromania (Instagram user)
Do you need to increase your creativity mindset? Are you struggling to find that spark? Your prayers have been answered. With Idea Mix you will be able to boost your creativity by following little creative challenges every day. All you need to do to get started is:
- Open the app
- Read the creative challenge
- Share it with the world!
You will have a new challenge waiting for you every day, so keep checking back to Idea Mix to continue working that creative side of yours :)
Do you have challenges that you would like to see in future versions of the app? Send them our way using our twitter account @IdeaMixApp :) We would love to give you credit for them in the change logs.
It is recommended for a better experience that you have the Instagram app installed, but this is an insanely popular app so you probably already have it.