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Ifood Assistant By Kraft 4.2.1
Screen Shots:
Treat yourself to the most appetizing app on the planet—the iFood Assistant. Delicious at your fingertips.
Now you can use voice for search and adding items to shopping list. New home screen with access to top recipe categories including Special Collections and Seasonal Recipes. See below -What’s New in Version 4.2- for full details.
Delicious Inspiration Anytime: We’ll deliver ideas for Dinner Tonight and a Recipe of the Day, along with thousands of simple but mouthwatering recipes you find on and You can even set alert reminders for dinner ideas.
No-Hassle Shopping+: We give you the grocery list and directions to the nearest store. We’ll even show you which aisles to go to so you’re out of there fast. Add ingredients by typing, scanning barcode or by voice and check off items as you shop.
Video How-Tos: Get the inside scoop—step-by-step—from the Kraft Kitchen Experts with helpful and easy-to-follow how-to videos.
Recipe Box: Take advantage of a seamless sync with or for unlimited storage and easy A-to-Z searching.
Coupons: Find coupons for items that you’re shopping for and print them or add them to your store loyalty card.
And because life makes you hungry at different times throughout the day, with iFood you can access smart snacks, lunch and dinner ideas, Healthy Living recipes, desserts and cooking tips anytime you feel like it.
So redefine eating…and use iFood Assistant to start making life deliciously simple.
Please visit or under MORE within the app to provide feedback and help guide us in making enhancements.