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Iijs India International Jewellery Show 1.0
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India International Jewellery Show (IIJS) 2012 scheduled to be held at Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre, Goregaon, Mumbai, from 23rd to 27th August, 2012. This year IIJS marks the 29th edition and will be spread over an approximate area of 46,000 sq. mtrs and will have more than 1,800 booths which would be occupied by an estimated 800+ exhibitors from India as well as overseas.
IIJS has continuously evolved as India’s official platform for showcasing the nation’s manufacturing capabilities. Last year, there was a 24 percent increase in visitor registration and more than 33,000 trade visitors thronged the show in the span of five days from India and abroad.
IIJS, Asia’s second largest jewellery show, is the most prominent sourcing event in the country
Main features in v1
1. Latest show updates and requirements for visitors and exhibitors
2. Updated Floor Plan for the show
3. Exhibitor Directory and Exhibitor profile
4. Search Exhibitors by Hall, Section, and Company Name
5. Seminar and Networking Events details
6. Local city information with live weather feed
7. Helpdesk section for visitors and exhibitors to reach the right person
8. and much more..