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Im Dumbbells Lite 1.0
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iM Dumbbells Lite is a great dumbbell exercise app for helping you get fitter quickly and understanding your body better.
The Lite version includes 10 great dumbbell exercises to help you get fit, strong and toned, this is a visually exciting app to keep you motivated. The app contains:
- A video demonstration of how to correctly perform 10 exercises demonstrated by our amazing 3D Virtual Athlete – iMusculus.
- A guide to performing each exercise correctly and safely as well as information on its key benefits.
- A library of golden 3D muscles that you can rotate around and zoom in on.
- Detailed information on each of the main muscles used during the exercises and their role in the body
This is a great resource for improving and refreshing your anatomical knowledge and a fantastic tool for demonstrating to others.
The key advantage to watching "iMusculus - the Virtual Athlete" perform these exercises over a human example is that he performs the exercises to a precision that will help understand the subtleties of the exercise.
In the Lite version, you will be able to access ten of the thirty exercises that are included in the full version.
There’s also a ton of information about dumbbell exercising and how to get the most out of the app to improve your fitness.
One of the most stunning and unique parts of this apps is the amazing and fascinating 3D images of each of the muscles worked by the included dumbbell exercises. You can rotate and zoom in on each of the muscles to view them from all angles and to see how they connect to the body.
And if you love the Lite version, the full version includes 30 exercises and 30 muscle animations.
Not only are these golden animations great to look at, they also contain information on muscles and their function within the body.
iM Dumbbells Lite will provide you with an engaging insight into your body’s muscles systems. It’s also an app that you’re going to want to show off to your family and friends!
However, if you then use it consistently, iMusculus will help you get a toned body like his that you’ll want to show off too! So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on a set of dumbbells, download the iM Dumbbells app and get ready for iMusculus to guide you to a stronger, fitter more knowledgeable you!