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Instabid 1.1
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A game changer app meant for market research audience to get INSTANT INFORMATION on sample feasibility, cost per interview for your project specs in your study market.
With InstaBid app on your phone, you no longer have to wait for an answer to your client’s question – Is this study feasible in Turkey? In India, Brazil, Mexico? And many more emerging markets.
This information is available to you at your fingertips, INSTANTLY via Instabid.
With InstaBid, you get accurate & up to date information on any online sample study across 10 of world’s fastest growing markets, its cost, sample feasibility, across consumer and business target audience. Moreover you can customize your request on the fly by playing around with sample size, length of interview, incidence rate, target segments & markets to give you full control!
Thekey advantage of using Instabid is that it gives all this information, customized with the discount deal already available for your organization.
Highlights of InstaBid:
1.Generate instant bids for your chosen sample size, LOI, IR, target segment & markets
2.Get instant, accurate & up to date information on your smartphone
3.Choose from a wide range of samples across 10+ emerging markets
4.Refer latest panel book for key facts on target markets
5.Commission the project? Just call / email via Instabid itself.