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Irange 2
Screen Shots:
iRange can calculate the Range, Altitude, and speed of any object you can see
through your iPhone camera
Have you ever wondered how fast a car in the distance was moving?
Or how high a blimp was flying?
"We made an app for that!"
Simply enter the width of any target object.
Then use the Range slider to crop a live camera view of the target and instantly
see how far away the object is from you !
"Yeah, but what about its altitude" you say?
We've got you covered there too! Just adjust the Base and Altitude sliders so
they line up with the horizon, and the button of the target object and the
objects altitude will be displayed on your iRange Altimeter!
"Ok, thats cool but how about the SPEED" you say?
Using your targets range and timing how long it take to cross your screen its
speed is calculated and displayed!
Any iPhone app can give the altitude of the device in your hand. How many can
give you the altitude of a *UFO flying over your city?
• Advanced Measurement Algorithms
• Distance Target Altitude Estimation
• Target Distance Estimation
• Target Speed Estimation
• Analog Altitude Displays
• Custom Object Width Input
• "Last Object" Width Storage
• 12 Preset Object Widths
• US / Metric Readings
• CrossHair color toggle
*UFO widths are estimated based on eyewitness reports and may not be entirely
accurate or real !