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Isecretary 4.3
Screen Shots:
iSecretary is one really nice working answering machine for Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
- lifts the handset automatically when the preset time expires;
- plays the file to the caller;
- records your caller's message within the limits of preset time and hangs up;
- contact list filter (choose an individual wav for each contact or group of contacts);
- ignore list;
- compatible with speakerphone (for PDA which can not work with signal in line);
- autoload after SoftReset;
- speakerphone volume control;
- microphone control (its work with some PDA, For example: ASUS P525);
- black list, reject ringing (filtering by phone number);
- notify system;
- task bar icon;
- Events system, send sms or voice message by rules;
- Emulate sound around you.
Getting, installing
(!) crash fixed with PerfectWave on some devices.
(!) now if you delete event, the wav file for this event also wil be deleted.
(+) play/stop wave for added events.
(+) new rule, "other w/o rules"
(+) now in events system can be added, a mobile telephone number from contats list.