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Italy Weather Xxl Hd 1.0
Screen Shots:
Italy Weather XXL HD is created exclusively for Italy.
Sit it on your desk, on your kitchen bench or on your bedroom nightstand to have up to date weather & time information.
Italy Weather XXL HD includes a wide range of professional features.
☀GPS Function
☀Excellent use of screen
☀search functions integrated: Just type in what you need to find into the field found under the map
☀Striking, realistic weather icons for all forecast data
☀3 days forecast for day & night
☀drag city icons to anywhere on the screen
☀double taps the city icon to show the detailed information
☀tap can hold the widget to move or delete it.
☀time in LCD style display
☀12 or 24 hour format
☀location as Favoriten saving
You also can change the arrangements of the widgets manually:
☀Show 12 hour mode to 24 hour mode
No longer will you have to wait for the weather cast from your news channel. With Italy Weather XXL HD get a complete forecast at your finger tips!
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