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Itouch Catalog 3.0.1
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iTouchCatalog - "Sharing your products to the world"
Printed Catalogs are a thing of the past. No more wasting precious resources like paper and print. In a matter of half an hour, you can create and have an online catalog. iTouchCatalog maintenance is quick and easy, open your catalog and update the information whenever you want.
It takes only a few minutes to create your catalog at and shortly after that your own personalized catalog can be published and made available in the iPad and iPhone.
iTouchCatalog is not just a Catalog it is the Catalog of Catalogs. Users can see and experience many different product line catalogs of different vendors from numerous countries in one place.
How to Proceed
1. Download iTouchCatalog App
2. Register Free at
3. Upload Catalog Information like Categories, Products, Images, Descriptions, Prices)
Prominent Features of iTouchCatalog
★ Customizable e-catalogs
★ Back-end Support
★ Always up to date
★ Online and Offline mode
★ Social Media Sharing/Integration
★ Share your products with your friends via email
★ Ease of use
★ B2C catalog, which gives access to the world
★ Market, Promote and sell your products
★ Open/Close Catalog
★ Upgradable to fully Customization App
Use iTouchCatalog. Go Green!
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