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Jamcast 2.0
Screen Shots:
An App for Bands and their Fans!
JamCast is a simple, easy-to-use video recording application created for musicians, bands and the fans that follow them.
Do you think that your favorite unknown, local band is the next big thing? Then JamCast is for you!
JamCast was created to help you record and share your favorite local bands with your friends, and the world by automating the steps it takes to share your own video.
Are you a musician or band that wants to be promoted or discovered on YouTube? Then JamCast is for you! Using this app, you can automatically upload video of your gigs to YouTube-with a single-click!
If you’re a fan you can utilize the regular camera to record the show, and if you are a musician/band you can use the front-facing camera to send video messages to your followers while you are on the road, and then send those messages to your own website, blog, YouTube, or directly to your most loyal fans.
JamCast is for entertainment purposes only, and the recording of, and distribution of copyrighted material is strictly prohibited.
Key Features:
-Attractive, easy to use design
-Record, title, and then distribute all of your videos with a single-click!
-Works with both the regular and front-facing cameras
-Designate which videos to share publicly, or to keep private for your own viewing.
-Add up to 5 emails to quickly and easily share your private videos.
-Automatically upload “Public” videos to YouTube after recording. No additional steps or clicks are required.
-All public and private videos are saved for later viewing and/or distribution
JamCast-Share the Show!