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James Haefner 1.0
Screen Shots:
This is a portfolio of work featuring beautiful cars photographed by James Haefner one of the great car photographers from Detroit.
Rocket Garden Labs have teamed up with James to bring you a small selection of his sublime photographs of cars in this portfolio of desirable autos which range from a classic Corvette to todays luxury vehicles.
Browse this collection of cars, shot in some fantastic locations like Death Valley in the USA, or just let this run as a slideshow. Each shot is a page from Jim's recent work formatted in professional portfolio format. You can see how a leading automotive photographer presents his work to art directors and his prospective clients. This collection is both beautiful and instructive of the art and business process of a great photographer.
This app is also an example of the layouts and looks that can be created using Foliobook, the iPad portfolio app that shows great work, simply and elegantly. Rocket Garden Labs used a standard version of Foliobook, running on an iPad1 to create the portfolio within this app, to illustrate how any photographer with an iPad and a copy of Foliobook can create a tablet based portfolio which has beauty and grace.
The app also contains a lightbox which art directors, editors and other interested parties can use as a picture editing aid.