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Kxting V2.0 S60v3
Screen Shots:
Key features:
Support playback MP3, WMA, AAC;
10-band equalizer and predefined presets;
Support for Stereo Widening and Loudness;
Ability to use sound effects;
Playing tracks from selected folder;
Seach and download lyrics and album arts;
Search, download and listening music from Web;
Playback mode selection;
Built-in ID3tag editor;
Transfer tracks via Bluetooth;
Viewing images in Slideshow mode;
Selecting any image as album art;
Viewing news and photos from Web;
Sleep timer;
Mini player window in background.
What's new:
Support playback FLAC and OGG formats;
Support skins, built-in two sets of skin and ability to download skins from website;
Support for custom background image;
Custom transparent background image can be adjusted;
Support automatically switching between portret and landscape display mode;
Support manual switching between portret and landscape display mode;
Offline mode can operate directly on the main interface;
Changed patterns of sleep-timer;
Increased limits of custom list to 10;
New splash screen;
Optimized launch application and scanning speed;
Fixed bug with unable to playback after incoming calls;
Optimized online playback with slow internet connection;
Improved overall application performance;
Improved GUI