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Ldn Games 12 All Sports Schedule And Results 1.0.1
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Join in with the excitement of this Summer’s legendary sporting event with the help of this incredible customisable companion app!
Packed with sporting schedules, info, and customised countdowns LDN Games ‘12 gives you everything you need to create your own tailored sporting calendar for the games.
With this great app you can:
- Access a complete sporting schedule for the Games; keeping you one step ahead of the action.
- Create personalised countdowns and alarms for your “must see” events, making sure you never miss a moment that matters to you.
- Follow all the latest news and updates in What’s Hot by creating, selecting and following twitter hashtags that perfectly fit your interests.
- Grab 16 fantastic free apps throughout the celebrations to share and enjoy with family or friends. You can even win medals by downloading them!
So while you may not be setting foot on track or field this Summer, with the help of LDN Games ‘12 you can still take part in this once in a lifetime sporting spectacle!
Enjoy the Games!
The MagicSolver Team
Please Note: This application is not affiliated with any official organisers, sponsors or teams taking part in the Summer games. It has been designed to facilitate and enhance the user’s engagement with the event and it has been created with this purpose in mind.
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