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Leef 1.3.4
Screen Shots:
Leef now allows you to post comments and like posts!
Leef is the #1 way to read content from Forrst, the explosively popular new meeting place for developers & designers, on your mobile device. Start with the main Forrst feed and drill down into richly detailed content. This app doesn't cut any corners. View Snaps, Code Snippets, Links, and Questions all painstakingly rendered and organized using native iOS controls. This isn't a cop-out wrapper around the browser, we're giving you the real thing for the fastest, most intuitive, absolutely pixel-perfect Forrst experience. Leef is built by a heavy Forrst user, so it knows exactly what you're looking for in a Forrst app.
Leef knows that great design is built on attention to detail. Explore beautifully detailed user profiles, expand posted Snaps to their full resolution, and see Forrst posts as they were meant to be viewed, beautifully and accurately rendered. All the features you would expect in a Forrst app are here. Navigate to user homepages and Twitter accounts right from inside the app. Sort activity by time, popularity, or rating. Restrict to posted Snaps, Code Snippets, Links, or Questions. Customize font size and username display format. Check out a posts comments and jump to safari to make your own comment. Leef even handles your notifications and lets you view and mark your notifications as read. Say goodbye to loading Mobile Safari just to check if you have notifications.
I'm proud to be bringing you the best Forrst client on the market today. Download and install now, and start viewing the newest and greatest designs from talented designers, or the most clever snippets of code from genius developers, the way they were meant to be viewed.