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Lera Auerbach 1.36.00
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The Lera Auerbach Fan App is the easiest way to follow Lera Auerbach. Now you have access to Lera Auerbach's music at anytime, anywhere.
This is a free application.
Home page shows the next concert and the most recent music, podcasts, news and blogs.
Browse upcoming Lera Auerbach concerts. Get complete performance information including venue, dates, repertoire, artists. Access and review the program notes before the concert. Want to attend? Click the "Get Tickets" button. You can browse past concerts listings, too.
Listen to selected Lera Auerbach live recordings on your iPhone. All repertoire information including composers, works, soloists, conductors and ensembles is included. View artwork and program notes. High quality audio options are available if you are connected through a high speed network.
Listen to Podcasts from and about Lera Auerbach.
Read the latest news articles about Lera Auerbach.
Get direct access to the latest blogs entries about Lera Auerbach.
The Lera Auerbach Fan App is powered by InstantEncore.