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Les Miles Method 1.6
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With last year's release of the Miles Method application, LSU became the first football program in the nation to have an iPad app. In the process, LSU set the standard for using mobile technology to deliver content to its fans and prospective student athletes. With the release of this next generation application, LSU football again has taken a leap into the sole leadership position on the iPad platform.
Rich graphics, animation, video, and sound combine to form a multimedia application never before experienced by LSU fans and prospective student athletes. By fully utilizing the iPad's capabilities, LSU Football has created an intriguing platform that will be fun to visit again and again.
Features of this free application include:
-Several previously unseen videos highlighting different aspects of the program
-An interface that immerses users which includes swiping between screens to navigate, touch-activated animations, and information panels that are accessed from different labels.
-Layering effects that give images and graphics somewhat of a 3d effect
-The Coach section that highlights Les Miles and his philosophies
-The Program section that shows the theory and accomplishments of LSU Football
-The Experience section that provides users with a player's vantage point of playing football at LSU
-An area called The Latest that shows recently posted Facebook updates, tweets, and YouTube channel videos so you are always up on the latest with LSU Football.