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Lets Harlem Shake Free 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
Let's Harlem Shake FREE is an iOS app for making your own Harlem Shake videos! Gather your friends to shake it, twerk, and Bernie in an instant internet classic with this easy to use app. Film videos in two takes with an automatic countdown timer and the app instantly cuts and mixes a perfect Harlem Shake video with a slow motion ending! Export to your photo album or share with all your friends that just have to see you "get your shake on."
The Harlem Shake is an Internet meme that originated on January 30th, 2013 with a video released by YouTube comedy vlogger Filthy Frank set to music by heavy bass artist Baauer. The meme gained popularity days later after five Australian teenagers known as 'The Sunny Coast Skate' created several Harlem Shake videos that went viral on February 5th.