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Life... With No Breaks
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Life... With No Breaks
By: Nick Spalding
Nick Spalding tried to write a book in 24 hours. Turns out thatâs impossible... it took 30!
Life⦠With No Breaks is a unique, hilarious and heartfelt look at the modern world we live in today, told by a master story-teller with much to say and only a weekend to say it in.
Youâll laugh out loud reading Nickâs odyssey of non-stop writing in a collection of anecdotes, asides and stories - all dredged up from an overstimulated brain functioning on caffeine, nicotine and the occasional chocolate biscuit.
The book is a conversation with you, and with Nick you'll venture into the thorny topics of love, life, sex, horribly timed bowel movements and a deathly fear of sponges (among many other things).
After you've read Life... With No Breaks, you may never look at the world the same way again!