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Lifephoto Ver1.2.2
Screen Shots:
The LifePhoto+ is an album application into which the photograph is classified by every the passage years.
Because the registered photograph is automatically classified at months old, the age, and years, I can enjoy growth of a child and family's memories with the time passage.
The photo can be forwarded to photo forwarding by the life photo and LifePhotoHD for iPad.
Moreover, the slide show can be shown by a browser by using the Wi-Fi connection, and the photograph on PC be up-loaded easily.
It becomes an album application for a person not good at the arrangement of the photograph and the person who carries the photograph of the child and the family and the own car.
It doesn't take the time of the photo registration by link with Dropbox.
◆Difference with free version Lifephoto
・Batch taking from camera roll.(Max 10 photos)
・It support to the rotaion of the photo display.
・No ads.
・Only iOS4 support.
・Link with Dropbox
◆Major features
・There are fifth kinds of registration methods of the photograph.
1.It takes a picture with the iPhone camera.
2.It takes it from the iPhone Camera Roll and photo sync with ITunes.
3.Uploading from a browser (Wi-Fi connection)
4.Send/Recieving of photo by the LifePhoto each other.
5.Link with Dropbox
* iPhone4 support to the size of the Retina display.
・Automatic photograph classification
The index is automatically done according to the passage years like the month (months old) and the ages (age), etc.
・Photograph flick
The photograph displayed to do the photograph in the flick on iPhone on a browser is synchronously displayed. (Wi-Fi connection)
・Slide show
The slide show can be seen from not only on iPhone but a browser. (Wi-Fi connection)
・Wi-Fi connection
The following function can be used from a browser by using the Wi-Fi connection.
- Registration of photograph
- Synchronization by photograph flick
- Slide show display
・Maintenance of subject
Name, Anniversary, Anniversary type
・Link with Dropbox
It comes to be able to register the photo in the LifePhoto only with the copy of the photo in the subject folder for the LifePhoto made under the control of the Dropbox folder.
The update confirmation is done in 15 minutes, and the photo is registered for the automatic renewal.
It is possible to register to register immediately by manual operation.
◆Important when using it for Dropbox
*The connection to DropBox is generated every 15 minutes while LifePhoto is running. Please note that a mobile connection of the following amount account is used.
*The use of Dropbox will apply to the agreement for use of Dropbox.
◆About the store of the photograph data
The original size of which it takes a picture by the method of 1 photograph is stored in the camera roll of iPhone. Only the thumbnail is store in the application.
The original size registered by the method of 2, 3 and 4 photograph is not stored on iPhone. Only the thumbnail is store in the application.
◆Notes when using it
There is a case where an automatic classification in the photograph is not correctly done. Please change in that case by hand power.
Please use Wi-Fi connection in a private Wifi environment. The third party can access the life photo when using it in ..public.. Wifi environment.