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Liquid Comics Snakewoman Introduction Issue 0 1.0
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This FREE comic book application provides the perfect introduction to world of the Snakewoman and is a great entry point for people interested in the “Snakewoman Volume 1” complete 144 page graphic novel application also available now.
Created by acclaimed filmmaker, Shekhar Kapur (Elizabeth; Four Feathers; Golden Age)
Born, 1981. First kiss, 1996. Graduated with honors, 2002. Moved to Los Angeles, 2006. Within three years, she will have killed 68 men. Jessica Peterson is learning first-hand that the cycle of revenge cannot be broken. Without understanding why, she finds herself turning into a creature - a vicious Snakewoman. Her mission - to avenge a centuries old wrong that was conceived half a world away, deep in the jungles of India. Terrified by her true nature and hunted by a mysterious organization known only as "The 68," Jessica must confront the monster that lurks inside her before it is too late. Written by Zeb Wells (Amazing Spider-Man) with art by Michael Gaydos (Alias, Daredevil Redemption)
“Snakewoman shows that a comic can give you your money’s worth and your mind’s worth in equal measure.”
“Explores the fascinating issue of the role of destiny in people’s lives.”
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