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Liquid Comics Devi Introduction Issue 1 1.0
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This FREE comic book application provides the perfect introduction to world of the Devi and is a great entry point for people interested in the “Devi Volume 1” complete 145 page graphic novel application also available now.
Created by acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur, (Elizabeth; Four Feathers; Golden Age)
Tara Mehta, an unsuspecting young woman in the futuristic Asian city, Sitapur is the Devi. She has no idea that she is about to become the centerpiece of a divine battle between the Gods of Light and the demon Lord Bala. Devi is a powerhouse of a story about a young woman battling for survival in a landscape of ancient legends, duty and fate. She walks the line between tradition, destiny and free will. Where will she fall? Between the Divine and the Diabolical there is Devi.
Shekhar Kapur is regarded as one of the most critically acclaimed filmmakers in the world. His film, “Elizabeth” was nominated for 7 Academy Awards including Best Picture.
Created by Shekhar Kapur. Script by Siddharth Kotian and Samit Basu with art by Mukesh Singh (Gamekeeper, Shadowhunter, 18 Days)
“Devi is certainly pretty. The artwork bearing scope and attention to minute detail sweep across the panels to visually stage a story.”
- Silver Bullet Comics
“Every panel stood out and there was indeed freshness in terms of tone and pacing carried throughout all the pages… check out Devi and marvel at the power she possesses. You won’t be disappointed.”
- Broken Frontier
“Devi is the smartest and most imaginative comic on the subject of Goddess-hood since Alan Moore’s Promethea.”
Powered by Liquid Comics and MacOligarch.