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Live Weather Earth 1.0
Screen Shots:
■□ Special starting price!
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□□□ Live Weather Now - the most beautiful and detailed informational application, which includes everything you need to know about the weather.
> Any moment it can provide you with a detailed forecast about weather in a given area for 10 days in advance
> Here you can easily find any information that will allow you to plan well your farm work and business activities, will offer you information when you will go fishing, camping, or when you will travel abroad. In all these cases you need a reliable weather forecaster.
□□□ Using Live Weather Now app. you no longer have to guess about the weather, according to the nearby cities. Intelligent and advanced search will take you anywhere in the world and will provide you with the weather details even about the smallest villages.
□□□ Despite the large volume, all data are presented in a beautiful and easy to read form. The application supports visualization of weather conditions in real time right on your screen. You can customize the application interface to suit your individual needs.
• The exact weather forecast for the next 10 days, includes the following:
- Local time
- Wind speed and direction
- A real air temperature
- Humidity
- The dew point
- The level and quality of precipitation.
Clever and quick search of locations:
- By name
- By the coordinates
- By zip code
- On the GPS.
• Possibility of knowing the moon condition.
• Beautiful weather animation on the screen
• Possibility of saving favorite cities in the database for fast access
• A collection of beautiful landscapes for your background and access to the gallery.
• The choice of easy to handle weather data measurement system.
• For your convenience, you can hide the bottom bar.
• Supporting information sheet.
>>> Live Weather Now - is a convenient and high-quality determinant of weather that can replace a variety of other weather sources.
>>> The most detailed, honest and timely information in a stylish and easy to read form, which is always at your fingertips.