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Livestand From Yahoo 1.0.51
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****Apple names Livestand among best iPad apps for 2011****
Livestand is your living magazine app, where the news and stories you care about come to life with visually stunning photos and videos. Explore its publications for breaking headlines, celebrity news, sports, or whatever you’re into—as you’ve never seen it. You'll lose yourself for hours with its electrifying images and captivating content. Livestand is the ultimate tapping, scrolling, and swiping magazine experience!
• Inline videos and photo galleries are displayed in a unique way always tailored to what will look best on the iPad.
• Fresh Content: Articles, photos, and video update constantly. Headline news, stock quotes, and Twitter feeds update automatically.
• Make It Personal: Create your own “Personal Mix” magazine of your favorite topics from Yahoo! and around the web, whether it's science headlines or the latest design trends.
• All About You: With Yahoo! Today, exclusive to Livestand, you get a personalized serving of your daily basics: weather, stocks, horoscope, and TV. Add the titles you want to “My Library”.
• Up To Four Unique Profiles: Everyone in your family can have their own personal Livestand on the same iPad.
• Spread The News: Share your favorite articles by email or on Facebook right from Livestand.