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Livestrong Myquit Coach Dare To Quit Smoking 2.1.1
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The LIVESTRONG.COM MyQuit Coach application creates a personalized plan to help you quit smoking. Through a physician approved, interactive and easy to use app, you’ll evaluate your current status, set attainable goals and adjust preferences according to your needs. You'll finally be able to stop smoking.
You will have the option to choose to quit smoking right away or gradually decrease your daily nicotine intake—tracking the times you smoke and have nicotine cravings along the way. Personalized inspirational photos, motivational tips and progress charts will provide quit smoking help and keep you on track while achievement badges will reward you for progress. And you’re not alone with a built in social support circle and the option to update your Facebook and Twitter as friends cheer you on. When you are ready to stop smoking, let MyQuit Coach be your guide.
* Personalized quitting plan
* Upload your own personalized motivations
* Track your daily consumption and allowance
* Optional budget alerts and reminders
* Earn badges and awards
* View charts of your usage history by date and time
* Your plan will automatically adjust if necessary
* Quitting tips, facts, and motivation from LIVESTRONG.COM
* Get support through Facebook, Twitter, and LIVESTRONG.COM
The LIVESTRONG.COM MyQuit Coach application has been reviewed by smoking cessation specialist Dr. Jonathan Foulds, nicotine addiction specialist Dr. Dorothy Hatsukami, psychologist Dr. Belisa Vranich and cardiologist and internist Dr. Leslie Saxon.
LIVESTRONG.COM inspires and empowers people to achieve their daily goals around living healthy. The website connects visitors with useful tools, trustworthy information and a passionate, engaged community of likeminded people, who are willing to share their experiences.