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Lohasmoney All In One Money Planner 1.9
Screen Shots:
★Finance Top Paid #1 (Taiwan/Korea/Hongkong/Malaysia/Macedonia/...)
Finance Top Grossing #1 (Taiwan/Korea/Hongkong/Indonesia/Malaysia/...)
LohasMoney helps you to comprehensively manage your expenditures, income, budget, billing statements and assets. Although it has many functions, we invested a lot of time into building an easy and intuitive UI that would be simple for everyone to use. We plan to keep improving this program until all of our users fully enjoy keeping their household accounts.
Main features:
✔ All-in-one asset management app
- You can comprehensively manage your expenditures, income, budget, assets and billing statement.
✔ Intuitive UI
- Tab based application enabling regular management.
- Provides a battery to compare expenditure vs. income, expenditure vs. budget and current asset vs. target asset.
- Instead of the small number keypad that was used in the previous version, this provides a large number keypad.
✔ SMS card attachment (supported by iOS 4.0 or higher)
- Your credit card use details (expenditure/income) are entered quickly and automatically, without using the keypad.
- The credit card company information is entered automatically.
✔ Expenditure/income management
- One screen provides a summary of the period (daily, weekly, 2 weekly, monthly, yearly, or a user-defined period).
- Easy to use installment function provided.
- Provides options (alignment, badge displays, memo displays, start period tab setting).
- You can easily check expenditure and income details in a calendar view.
✔ Diverse asset management
- Can manage diverse types of assets (cash, withdrawal & deposit account, installment account, debt, etc.)
- Supports transfers between assets (accounts).
- Credit card function (you can set the payment & reference data to calculate the expected billing amount and the amount of unpaid bills).
- You can edit or inquire about the total amount of transactions in each asset (account).
-Transaction detail editing mode for each asset type (can select multiple details at once to delete or move them).
- Can change the asset type or the location of the added asset.
- Can specify whether to include a certain asset in the total asset amount.
✔ Budget management
- Provides two different ways of managing the budget.
- Can configure the budget in each category.
- The details of use in each budget period are displayed intuitively along with the graph.
✔ Billing statement function
- Calendar or list view helps the user to easily understand the details of expenditures at a glance.
- One you pay a bill, it will be applied to your expenditure management.
- With one touch you can change the payment condition of your bills.
✔ Report and charts
- Summary report, bar graph, pie graph provided.
- CSV for expenditure/income details exporting.
- Provides a report comparing expenditure and income in each category.
✔ Repetitive works
- Can repeat expenditure, income, account transfer and billing items (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly) so that they can be automatically added.
- Provides a credit card installment payment plan.
- Items are repeated when modified or deleted.
✔ Bookmark function
- Can add bookmarks to frequently used transactions.
✔ Other
- iPhone 4 Retina display supported.
- Transaction details can be sorted by category, amount and date in ascending or descending order.
- Can add receipt photos.
- Password security.
- Wifi/3G/email/iTunes sharing to support PC backup/recovery.
- 6 types of UI themes provided.
- Global currencies supported.
- Visual comparison displayer.
- Search function provided.
- 14 languages (English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French