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Mall Rat 0.9.0
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An App for Shoppers.
From the ground up, we’ve built this app for shoppers. Precise maps, simple interface, and a fast working app deliver indoor navigation, floor plans, and information about any mall worldwide.
Mall RatTM provides features such as:
-Search for a shopping mall by your current location or by an alphabetical list
-Custom filtering by letter
-Custom filtering for stores in 20 different categories
-Remembers your most recent malls
-Floor plans of shopping malls
-Indoor navigation with a “no-typing” user interface
-Maps are saved for offline use with full indoor navigation capabilities intact
-View store details, hours, contact number
-View amenity locations and locate the nearest one with a single touch of a button
Rediscover your favorite shopping malls using Mall Rat – a mobile app to enhance, streamline, discover, and connect. As we add malls from around the world, you’ll experience shopping malls in a whole new way. Stay tuned because we have some great features coming very soon!
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