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Meanexus 1.0.1
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meaNEXUS does away with the printed directories you have been receiving from your place of worship, educational institution, club, team, association etc... Anyone can create a group and share it privately with everyone in the group. Stay updated with contact information. You now have an easy way to get contact information on everyone you might have a connection with.
Key Features:
1. Save on printing costs.
2. Easy access. Have all your connections available to you on your iPhone without having to load them individually to your contacts. Even contacts that you might never reach but would like to refer to are available to you.
3. With you all the time. No more wishing you had that printed directory with you when you need it rather than having it in a drawer at home.
4. Updated not outdated. Have the ability to update your record as things change and have it fed immediately to all in your list. Which means your list is also updated and not outdated the day you get it.
5. Have multiple directories that can be constantly updated, available to you on your phone.
6. Call or email your contact through the app.