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Metal Radio 1.0
Screen Shots:
*** Metal Radio+ ***- Streaming Internet Metal Radio Stations
Why is **Metal Radio+** the best?
1. More Stations YOU Want To Hear (21 and Counting)
2. Built-in Internet Browser to surf the Web while you listen
3. Diverse Selection Of Channels
4. By popular demand "Metal Radio+" now supports ***Background Multitask Audio***!
This App supports MultiTask Background audio. This means you can listen to music while in other apps, e-mail, and Safari.
Stop the music in 3 simple ways
* Open app and click stop
* Close app entirely (double click the device home button, touch and hold on the app you want to close and touch the little x that pops up)
* Use the iPhone/iPad universal music controller accessed by hitting the home button twice
"Metal Radio+" Station List
******** Metal Radio ********
Hard Rock - SKY.FM
ChroniX Aggression
Asysmetry - Post Rock
Rising Metal
ChroniX Metal
Chronix Metal Masters
Best of Symphonic Metal
Untapped Radio
Morow - Prog Rock of Yesterday & Today
StarFM - From Hell
ChroniX GRIT
GotRadio - Metal Madness
**** Leftovers ****
rockXradio ::: Canada
.: The Taint :.
4U rock n Metal
100hitz - Heavy Metal
Radio Shock Box
Broken Neck Radio
Amped FM Rock
Q: Where can I find these stations online?
A: Follow the link to the page in the app.
Q: Why do some of the stations have the wrong song titles?
A: The MetaData (or song titles) are collected from the websites providing the stream. They have either mislabeled the song or it has not updated yet.
Q: Why are some stations blank at times?
A: Some of these stations are controlled by real DJs and if they aren't playing anything at the time or their site is down no music will play. Fortunately we have over 20 Channels so you will always have a lot to choose from.
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