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Mongo Meet On The Go 1.0
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Mongo is a mobile networking, location-based services, and location-based advertising platform.
This iPhone app has been compiled and tested for iOS 4.0 or above.
Use Mongo to meet people on the go. With Mongo’s location-based search and matching capability, you can:
+ Find & connect with colleagues and ex-colleagues
+ Find & connect with school and college mates
+ Find & connect with people attending an event or a conference
+ Buy, sell or exchange services with people near you – taxi services, babysitting, couch-sharing, massage services, tourist guides, home repairs and so on
+ Buy, sell or exchange things with people near you – sports tickets, electronic goods, etc.
+ Find & connect with people from your hometown or country, or people who speak your language (while traveling abroad, for example)
+ Find & connect with people who share your lifestyle choices, from swingers to tattoo-lovers
+ Find & connect with fans of your favourite sports teams, film stars, etc.
+ Find & connect with activity partners – a bridge partner at a club or someone to play a game of tennis with & so on
+ Find new people near you (someone to talk to, or someone to romance) based upon your selected preferences.
+ Create your own Mongo Codes and share them with others so that you can find each other on the go.
Mongo is safe, ensuring that your identity and location details are protected.