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Moonphase Moon Info 2.3
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MoonPhase for both iPhone and iPad is your guide to all sorts of moon info! And a little bit of sun info too.
All presented in a beautiful, easy to use format. So convenient you will use it everyday!
Easily find for today or any day between 1900-2100:
- moon rise/set times
- moon transit times
- lunar cycle details with eclipse indicators
- full moon names (including Blue Moons)
- zodiac position
- moon's location in the sky
- moon phase (of course!)
- observed moon angle (optional)
- sun rise/set times
- sun transit times
Use it to find times for moonlit walks, avoiding werewolves and maybe even fishing! Whatever your lunar info needs, MoonPhase has you covered.
No internet connection is required so it works wherever you are.
Other features:
- Swipe up/down to change the date
- Display autosets for Northern or Southern Hemispheres
- Show moon as real, cartoon, or cheese!
- Select dates between 1900 and 2100
- Use built in location capability or select from map
- Fast Forward to next New or Full Moon
- Audible Werewolf Warning (also available as free ringtone!)
- Ephemeris details such as JDE, distance, right ascension, declination, azimuth, altitude and fraction illuminated
- Easily change between your favorite locations
Like MoonPhase's Howl? Get your Howl iPhone ringtone at our website: