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My Kitchen Rules The Official 1.0.1
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View all your favourite recipes from the hit TV Show My Kitchen Rules on your iPhone. This free app includes searchable recipes, shopping lists, a cooking timer and all the latest news from the Channel 7 TV Show.
Manu Feildel and Pete Evans have returned to host and judge the ultimate home cooking battle in My Kitchen Rules this year. It's plate versus plate as our My Kitchen Rules teams attempt to out-dine and out-wine each other to see whose kitchen rules.
And now you can:
- View all your favourite recipes from the hit TV Show and share with friends
- Search for recipes based on teams, judges, ingredients and meal type
- Create a shopping list of ingredients and check off items so you don't forget anything
- Find out more about your favourite teams and judges
- Get all the latest news from the TV show
- Easy to use cooking timer
- Set reminders for when My Kitchen Rules airs on Seven so you don't miss a thing
Visit us at for more great recipes and like us on Facebook
My Kitchen Rules airs on Seven.