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Namo Newsreader 1.0.1
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MyPlus is an RSS reader application. It provides the basic functions of other RSS readers and also allows you to view images and content that you have previously downloaded while offline.
★ Synchronize subscribed channels, folders and tags with Google Reader
MyPlus provides a synchronization feature for Google Reader. If you already have a Google Reader account, you can transfer your subscribed channels, folders, tags, etc. to MyPlus. Likewise, you can send channels, tags and folders that you have newly added in MyPlus back to Google Reader.
★ Online Updates and Offline Viewing
MyPlus can download and save blog or news updates which contain a large amount of images and text through the update feature while you are online. Then, if you are in a place without wireless internet or you do not want to use 3G services, you can view the saved images and text offline as if you were browsing online. This allows you to save on expensive 3G services and use devices without 3G like the iPod Touch.
★ Store Posts with Tags and the Save Box
You can customize how you store posts with the Save Box and Tag features. For example, you can save posts related to restaurants or vacations with ‘Restaurant’ and ‘Vacation’ tags, then view the posts later by tag. Posts which you enjoy can be saved individually in the Save Box so that you can find them again whenever you want.
★ Other Features
- Read saved posts while offline
- Search for channels by keyword and subscribe to them
- Preview channels before subscribing
- Sync with Google Reader
- Use without Google Reader
- View posts in full screen mode
- Share posts by email
- Mark All as Read / Mark All as Unread / Delete All commands
- Save images to a photo album
- Mark posts as favorites (“Starred Items” in Google Reader)
- View posts in landscape mode (horizontally)
- Show a list of unread posts
- Assign tags to posts
- Follow links within posts