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New Emoji Pro 1.0
Screen Shots:
►• A new original collection of interesting and sunny smiles and mood icons for those who wants to keep the beauty and emotional color of information sharing during a non-verbal communication.
►• The application New Emoji Pro ;) offers you the possibility of writing and sending messages in any directions and filling them with smiling faces, hearts, kisses, animals, stars, fireworks and other delicious things after which they shall become for sure more realistic and interesting.
□□□ Sometimes it is hard to show your feelings and your mood for your interlocutor not seeing each other. This application shall always help you and offer enough graphical means to communicate beautifully and more precisely all your emotional pallet to the other person.
»» You’ll receive at your disposal more than 800 exclusive smiles on different themes:
- people
- nature
- places
- objects
- symbols.
Besides the standard icons you can find a set of complicated and interesting smiles from all the categories described.
»» The application supports editing and sending messages to:
- e-mail
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Thumblr
- and the possibility of copying them to the clipboard.
> Surprise your friends adding in the message the most expressive and witty smiles you’re your charming and stylish collection.
> Make your messages bright!
> Make them more intriguing and romantic by replacing the word and their intonation with expressive and speaking signs and images.
□ Smiles can help you to add in the message a hint or a hidden meaning, spice them with humor or irony or just raise your friend’s disposition. You’ll be writing the message being sure that the recipient shall smile when he sees your stirring smiles.
□ »» New Emoji Pro ;) is a friendly and qualitative messages manager allowing you to transmit your emotions to your interlocutor adequately and in full to help him understand you correctly.