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The NewsMemory eEdition app is offered by participating publications to let subscribers read an exact replica of the print edition on an iPad or iPhone.
Readers can quickly navigate the entire publication using iOS multi-gestures. Swipe to browse pages or sections or tap a live headline or page number to reach your favorite article. A thumbnail view lets you scan all the pages at once. To read a story, just tap to zoom the page image, or tap to article mode and read the whole story, including jumps, in the text window at the font size you prefer. The eEdition will also let you easily find topics using the section and story index, or find any ad or story via a full text search of words contained in the copy. The eEdition is published on the same schedule as the print edition. Just open the app to get the latest edition for on-line or off-line reading. You can also access back issues that you might have missed.To use, just download the app and select your publication. Access typically requires an account login and password that is provided to subscribers. Check with your publication for details. The app provides free access to a demo edition so you can try out the eEdition before subscribing. If you subscribe to several participating papers, the app will let you switch among them.