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Nike Basketball 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
* The Nike+ Basketball application is designed to work exclusively with Nike shoes containing the latest Nike+ Sport technology *
The Nike+ Basketball app wirelessly syncs your shoes to your mobile, so you can measure your game, capture your best moves and connect with your friends.
Play your game, while your shoes track your moves.
Upload your stats to your mobile device, and instantly get a detailed breakdown showing how high, how quick and how hard you played:
✚ Vertical : Review every jump and capture your hangtime to take your game to new heights
✚ Quickness : Get the stats on how quickly you moved up, down, and around the court to shift your game into overdrive.
✚ Hustle : Highlights your NikeFuel points throughout each game to show how hard you’re playing and where you can pick it up.
Create your own highlight reels with Showcase mode, allowing you to embed your stats into videos of your best moves. Save them to your library, or share with the world.
(* NOT available on iPhone 3GS or iPod Touch 3rd generation)
Instantly post your greatest games and accomplishment to your social networks, and stay motivated by sharing and comparing with friends.
Review your weekly and all time rankings, and compete against other Nike+ Basketball players for the top spot.
Compatibility requirements:
The Nike+ Basketball app is compatible with iPhone 4S, iPhone 4*, iPhone 3GS*, and iPod Touch (3rd and 4th generations)* running iOS 5.1 or later.
* Requires Nike+ Sport Adapter (included in Nike+ Sport Pack bundles)
Languages: Native support for English, French, German and Simplified Chinese.