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Noaa Storm Center 4.3
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NOAA Storm Center, its where the professionals go to get the weather! There is simply no other weather app this GOOD!
Storm Center is a PREMIUM WEATHER application with PREMIUM features not found in your average weather app. Storm Center plugs directly into NOAA's National Weather Service delivering you the most accurate and timely weather data available! Just sit back and watch our eye popping HIGH RESOLUTION RADAR dazzle you with its EXCEPTIONAL DETAIL or LISTEN to your favorite LIVE NOAA Weather Radio station!
* Access to over 200 NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts
directly from our exclusive interactive map!
* Detailed Weather Forecasts
* Temps In Celsius or Fahrenheit
* Wind Speed In Km/h or mph
* NWS Watches, Warnings and Advisories
* Hourly Forecasts Up To 24 hrs
* Weekend Only Forecasts
* 7 Day Forecasts
* 14 Day Forecasts
* Sun & Moon
* Moon Phases
* Climate Normals
* Current Tides
* 6 Animated Overlay Options:
*High-Res Radar *Satellite
*Global Satellite *Visible Satellite
*Current Temps *Current Winds
* 8 Non Animated Options:
*NWS Advisories *NWS Warning Polygons *Snow Depth
*Dew point *Humidity *Wind Chill *Heat Index
*Sea Surface Temps *Current Chlorophyll
* Point Data:
*Storm Cells *Storm Reports *Climate Records
*Earthquakes *Wildfires
* Track Storm Cells With Detailed Precision:
*Position *Observation *Direction
*Speed *Forecast *and much more!
* See Nearby Storm Cells With Detailed Data:
*Distance *Direction *Speed
*Type Of Storm ie; Tornado, Thunderstorm
* See Nearby Storm Reports With Detailed Data:
*Location Of The Report ie; 6 mi SW Atlanta
*Type Of Report ie; Funnel Cloud, Hail
*Who Reported It ie; Storm Chaser, Etc
* See Active Advisories From The NWS:
*Type Of Advisory And When It Expires
*Detailed Description Of Advisory
* See Nearby Detailed Weather Records:
*Type Of Record
*Detailed Information
Your purchase includes exclusive access to the most advance weather app ever developed! In addition you will get unlimited free updates containing killer new features that will further advance this app above the competition. Also comes with enhanced VIP customer support! Your emails get top priority and answered before anyone else.
Disclaimer: Not recommend for non US locations. In addition radar and most map overlays are currently only supported over the continental USA, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.