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Nosh 2.0
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With Nosh you can:
+ Rate and review dishes, not places. After all, it's the food that matters.
+ Keep up with friends and see what they're eating. Follow friends, or anyone so long as they have great tastes!
+ Find out "what's good here". No more relying on the waiter.
+ Browse menus by the highest rated items, what your friends have had, or any other way you choose.
+ Check out photos of the food before you order.
+ Comment on friends' food experiences.
+ Track what you've had and where. Never forget a food adventure.
+ Instant sharing to Facebook and Twitter.
You're hungry, at a new restaurant, and you don't know what to order. You're really hungry. There is no room for order-error here. You tell the waiter your predicament and ask "what's good". A blank stare, a pause, and his eventual response of "everything" is troubling as you stare at a menu longer than the morning paper. You take a chance, order the duck because it sounds big, and anxiously await its arrival. Minutes later you are confronted with what perhaps once was a duck, but now looks more like a deflated bird and a bone. You attempt to find an edible portion but are unsuccessful. You leave, even hungrier than before, longing for a better way to eat out.
We don't want this dining mishap to happen to you. Download Nosh and ensure you will never go hungry again.