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Obefit Steps 1.0.1
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OBeFit Steps
Count your steps, stay active.
Experts agree that obesity arises from a sedentary lifestyle or, as we see it, a ‘Sit’ lifestyle. Clearly we need to be active and develop to a ‘Fit’ lifestyle, and this is precisely OBeFit’s mission:
“Sit to fit, stay active”
Walking is a low-impact exercise with numerous health benefits (see below). But are you taking enough steps to get results? OBeFit Steps can help you achieve your fitness goals by counting the number of steps you take. OBeFit Steps encourages you to track and challenge yourself to walk more steps daily.
OBeFit Steps is a useful app to remind you that every step counts on the path toward better health.
Using OBeFit Steps:
1. Choose Start. The countdown starts
2. Start walking, and OBeFit Steps will count your steps
3. Choose Route Map to see your route on map
4. Choose Lock Screen to prevent accidental button pressing
- Duration: shows total time elapsed while OBeFit Steps is in use
- Sound: turns sound on/off
- Lock screen: prevents accidental button pressing
- Reset: clears all information
- Compass: shows current direction for reference
- Route map: shows route taken while using OBeFit Steps
- Distance: shows total distance walked in miles
- Avg. speed: shows average speed in miles per hour
- Social: share your measurement on social networks
- Settings: add profile details
- Location: tag place of measurement (automatically done via GPS on your phone)
- Sensors based tracking: uses GPS and accelerometer simultaneously for greater accuracy
- Intelligent switch: if the GPS signal is not available, accelerometer will be used in a standalone mode
Benefits of walking:
- Manage your Cholesterol
* Lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol)
* Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol)
- Lower your blood pressure
- Reduce your risk of, or manage, type 2 diabetes
- Manage your weight
- Improve your mood
- Stay strong and fit
Regular walking is all it takes to start reaping these benefits. Start walking today!
1. This app is not a replacement for a dedicated pedometer. Please follow your health practitioner’s advice.
2. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.