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Ofmaplausanne 1.3
Screen Shots:
Offline Map with GPS location tracker:
Covers the areas of Lausanne, Montreux, Vevey and Surrounding areas in Switzerland.
** If you are visiting Switzerland, use this as a pocket GPS without worrying about roaming charges. If you live in Switzerland, use this map to find your way around your favorite places, as it includes many details like Restaurants, ATMs, and even house numbers!!
****Includes searchable POI's with banks, tourist attractions, railway stations etc.
** Does NOT use data roaming, as the entire map is downloaded to your phone while installing the application
**Very useful for GPS location tracking. The tracker moves as you move, helping you to identify your exact location very quickly.
** Add custom pins on your map and store it for future navigation
** Click on "Locate Me" to know your current position.
** Switch on Driver mode while driving to keep tracking your location.
Map Courtesy:
(c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
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