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Oops Im Late
Screen Shots:
Calendar integrated late notification based upon your current GPS location
Features & Benefits
* No more awkward I'm running late calls
* Revolutionary, disruptive technology that is designed to keep your common courtesy quota up
* Major use case is for notification in familiar locations (i.e. regular client appointments, grocery store run, lengthy drive, etc)
* No longer need to make pointless 'checking-in' calls such as "Call me when you pass the Gas Station on Route 4." and other 'Let me know when you get to x' conversations
* Allows others to regain time and warm the oven, attend to other business, etc.
* Send notifications via sms/text/twitter/facebook messaging automatically
* Standard and Professional Only: Microsoft Live Search integration - now a user can send a map (or categories, map, directions, traffic, movies or gas prices) from their appointment (i.e. Microsoft Outlook) to a map, or they can re-use previous destinations as a geocoding source which saves time
* Professional Only: Send notifications via email or phone a default contact
* Professional Only: Default Contact - Set single contact to assistant, receptionist or other resource to easily call on any business phone number or mobile assigned to contact. No more looking up contact information associated with a client, event or location
* Weekly meeting at distant location with variable start time
* On way to location during traffic on freeway (tested in Southern California, notorious for Sig Alerts, large entertainment venues and general traffic)
* Long trips with an unknown amount of starts & stops (trip to the country/city)
* Dates, business meetings, special occasions
* Any travel that requires occasional contact as to Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA/ETE)
* System-wide contact filtering to prevent unwanted attendees from being notified.
* No notification if the GPS is lost, no false positive "lates"
* 30 second delay on final warning before notifications sent
* Once notifications sent or time has passed event, no further notifications are sent