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Opinionpolls 1.0
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With the todays youth raising their voices and allowing everybody to come out of their houses and expressing their views about what is happening all around, Here comes the application which will let you express yourself and let the whole world knows what you think.
With this application you can give your opinion and even watch the opinion, what others think, on currently happening interesting topics and problems all around you.
This application is a survey taken on various topics which will show others views as well who so ever is using this app.
1-Best ever move which defiantly give you good result.
2-Collection of very important and interesting questions with current opinion.
3-Very Simple and Attractive User interface.
4-Slide left and right for next and previous Question.
5-You can Share these tips via email.
6-Application is for both iPhone and iPad.
So Keep moving forward with us.
We will appreciate your feedback to improve this application as much as you want.